RSS Feeds for Full Episodes of The Colbert Report and The Daily Show

Recently Comedy Central yanked The Daily Show and The Colbert Report off of Hulu [update: in early 2011, the shows returned to Hulu]. I started watched these shows on Hulu because it provided RSS feeds for the full episodes, while Comedy Central has only ever had segment/clip feeds. Luckily, the shows’ sites have feed-like JSON AJAH pages that are easily massaged into a true RSS feeds, so here are substitute feeds. Share and enjoy:

The Daily Show Full Episodes RSS Feed

The Colbert Report Full Episode RSS Feed

The Nightly Show Full Episode RSS Feed

The feeds update every hour, although the shows only appear the morning after their cable broadcast. The Python (and mustache!) shell, XSL (and sed!) source can be viewed in the full-episode feed directory.

20 thoughts on “RSS Feeds for Full Episodes of The Colbert Report and The Daily Show

  1. Awesome work, thank you. One concern, I looked at the build script ( and see that for the Colbert Report the URLs selected were 0,1,3 we miss page 2. for The Daily Show we use 0,1,2. I think that we should do 0,1,2 in both cases or 0,1,2,3 in both cases

    Thank you so much for this feed now I won’t miss the shows since Hulu no longer can ensure I see them.

  2. Thanks a lot for posting these! They are just what I was looking for, as I found myself in the same predicament as you when these shows left Hulu.


  3. I have long appreciated your work on creating this feed. However I have noticed in the past few weeks that the Colbert feed has stopped working. Thanks again for sharing these feeds with everyone.

  4. Just want to let you know that even now this is useful for some of us, and I really appreciate it!

  5. Thanks. It’s so nice to get an RSS feed with just the episodes that cuts out all the extra crap. Keep up the good work. :)

  6. I use this all the time. Wanted to drop a line and say thanks.
    You need a PayPal Donate button :)

  7. I just want to express my thanks for creating these RSS feeds.

    Just to give you an idea of how I’m using it (and why I appreciate your work), I’m combining the feeds with so that I receive a notification (and then stores the link in Pocket ( when a new episode becomes available to watch.

    Very useful stuff!

  8. Right, the RSS feeds here just contain links to the full-episode web pages. The videos at Comedy-Central are Adobe-Flash based streams, so they can’t be enclosed in video podcast feed.

  9. Still works 22 Feb 2014! Hulu finally took down their rss feeds this month. Glad I’ve got another option!

  10. Unfortunately the Daily Show and the Colbert Report recently changed their website including the url format. Is it still feasible to create an RSS feed with this format?

  11. Update: The feeds are now fixed for the March 2014 redesign. As a bonus, the script has switched from shell/XSL to Python/mustache.

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